As an artist I am interested in the
notion of abjection. The way that my work reflects this interest is
through the exploration of body fluids at the specific point when
they leave the body. The fluid that I am engaging with currently is
saliva. Saliva itself is an intriguing substance since it can be
viewed with the upmost abjection, yet can also be seen as
contributing to the pleasurable when exchanged during sexual acts. My
work takes both of these factors into perspective, and mixes them
together, using the medium of video.
The most important element in my work
is the audience, because the work is set in locations where it is
forced upon the spectator. It is their reaction that completes
the work, which would not be a success if the viewer did not feel
imposed upon and uncomfortable.
My practice is inspired by Julia
Kristeva's theory of abjection, specifically through reading her book
The Powers of Horror. I have found further influence in the
writing of Mary Douglas, particularly in Purity and Danger. As
well as these two theorists, my work has been influenced by a variety
of artist's, including Janine Antoni, Vito Acconci, Andres Serrano,
Marc Quinn and Kiki Smith. The Particular reason that the work of
these diverse individuals has influenced my practice is due to the
outrage that their work has individually caused, each has taken a
private act and put it into a highly public location such as the